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How To Sell From Email - The Ultimate Email Marketing

How To Sell From Email

Do You Use Email Marketing? You Might Be Sending Emails, But Do You Sell From Your Emails?

In other words - how much money do you make from emails and email marketing, and how can you make changes?

Email Usage And Email Marketing Statistics

Not convinced that email is here to stay? The following collection of email usage and email marketing current statistics will remove all your doubts.

  • The number of sent and received emails per day is also expected to grow - to 376.4 billion by 2025 to be precise.

  • The number of global email users is expected to grow to around 4.3 billion in 2022. In 2025, this figure is predicted to reach around 4.6 billion. And in 2026 will be 4.73 billion.

  • The average email user has 1.75 email accounts.

  • 99% of email users check their inbox every day, 58% of which do it first thing in the morning.

  • 59% of millennials and 67% of zoomers check their email inbox on their smartphone.

  • Globally, the number of sent and received emails per day is projected to increase to 347.3 billion in 2023. This figure is set to grow to 376.4 billion by 2025.

  • 40% of surveyed email users said they have at least 50 unread messages in their inboxes.

  • 41% of email views come from mobile devices, while 39% come from desktop computers. The remaining 20% of email views come from tablets and other devices.

  • As of July 2022, the 3 most used email clients in the world were Apple (57.97%), Gmail (28.13%), and Outlook (4.21%).

  • The average employee spends 57% of their time communicating (According to Microsoft)

  • 8.8 hours a week are spent on email by the heaviest email users (According to Microsoft)

  • On average, professionals check their email 15 times per day (According to HBR)

  • 50.7% of Marketers think AI will make e-mail marketing more effective in August 2023

  • 53 percent of Gen Z users reported using e-mails for work.

SOURCE: Please read the full page for email facts at the following link - Read more facts on email here

I Began Sending Emails Around 96/97.

The problem I had was not many people had email addresses. Most when I asked in my business gave a similar reply, ‘I’m not getting one they won’t take off.’

The reason I started using them was I had been doing tons of direct mail every week for years. It was extremely time-consuming and sometimes expensive. I thought email would be cheaper and more effective. Actually, it was less effective in those days so I stuck to direct mail - which I am still a huge advocate of.

Most of my clients now send emails yet most of my clients cannot sell from emails. For me that is always interesting because over the years I have sold amounts going into the millions from email.

Email to sell just about any service and any product I am involved with at the time.

£7,00 In New Email Sales Overnight

Not too long ago a mentee of mine that has an established business had been sending emails for two years. The problem was he hadn’t sold anything from his email just the odd one or two sales here and there. His webpage copy was very strong as was most of his sales copy, he just couldn’t sell from email.

After his first couple of weeks working with me, he called me to report he had changed his approach to selling with email the way I had been teaching him. His results were sales of just under £7,000 from the first ‘new’ type of email I had been training him to write.

The rest is history because once you’ve cracked the email selling code it can be repeated time and time again.

Here Are A Few Easily Fixed Mistakes I See With Writing Emails And Email Marketing.

  • No real idea why they are sending an email

  • No campaign or outcome in mind

  • Soft corporate wording and copy

  • No headlines

  • Terrible subject lines

  • Almost apologetic for sending the email

  • Lack of buzzwords

  • Zero conversation

  • No triggers

  • Zero call to action

  • No follow-up campaigns

Here’s How To Sell From An Email Marketing Campaign

  • Start with research

  • Have an outcome in mind

  • Plan the copy around a reaction from reading the email

  • Create a theme within an email

  • Use of stories so readers relate to what they are reading

  • Strong usage of power words and emotional words

  • Write for your target only not everyone on the list

  • Using triggers, buzzwords and conversation

  • Try to create the perfect build-up, and momentum and then … offer the sale

  • Create multiple calls to action

  • Resend all emails

  • Create a campaign that lasts at least 7 to 10 days.

  • When it's new twice a day selling isn’t too much

  • Change formats

  • Use links

  • Use images

  • Stay focused on the outcome


  • Use proper email tools like MailChimp

Selling from email really isn't that tough. What is tough is finding your targeted buyers. In other words, you can email a million people but if they are not buyers they’ll never buy in a million years.

The important thing to know about email is just do it. As time passes you will get better.

However, it took me years to master email and also years of missed sales.

Here’s an £90,000 from one single email story

I said above I have been selling from emails since around 96. My copywriting/marketing emails only really began around 2000. My emails after then were about me sharing and NOT selling. I only really truly started selling from emails around 2010. This was at the back of a divorce where I had lost everything including - my home and car.

I NEEDED to sell from my email to rebuild my life as I was truly dead-broke. 

The first full-on campaign I did brought in around £25,000.

Then I decided to try and launch a mentor program more publicly around 2011. I hadn’t really talked about it a lot in those days as I thought the price was high for email. That email brought in around £90,000 in mentor sales from one email.

So over a dozen years I used email and had no idea I could sell from email. Once I started the sales arrived. Imagine how many sales I missed!

Today most of my sales are from email.

As you might know, my mentor programs are 100% bespoke. The variety of my mentees are from different backgrounds. Some want a new career. Others want to improve sales at work. And others want to start selling to their own email lists and more.

I have never once seen a mentee of mine that hasn’t gotten their investment back from just using email

If you want to start selling from email this is probably your time to push forward and start your own little sales machine rolling from your computer.

  • Strong copy

  • Big ideas

  • Campaign strategies

  • Copy critiques

You name it I will show you.

One thing I will say is this … but the time we are done you will be selling from your email.

This is powerful.

This is life and business changing.

This is the power of selling from email.


Alan Forrest Smith

P.S. We are ready to work with you and mentor you into selling with email.

Contact us to help you craft powerful email sales copy that converts at a higher rate. Our usual fees apply of course but the time you need might vary so your investment will reflect this. A quote is only given after we have a conversation.

Founded in 1998 by visionary Alan Forrest Smith, Orange Beetle Direct Response and Copywriting Consulting has built a rich legacy of success. Today, we continue to evolve, offering premium services that deliver higher visibility, response,  and craft powerful business storytelling. 

Our bespoke consulting services help you achieve measurable business growth. At the same time, Orange Beetle's educational courses and books empower the next generation of copywriters and business owners, providing the tools to elevate careers and boost response rates.