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32 Days Since New Years Eve

Can you believe it's now 32 days since new years eve?Here's a snippet of what I've been up to with clients.

So far some very (and I mean very) smart clients of mine have had the following created for their business,

  • 3 series of single A4 direct mailers designed to revive missing clients
  • A single page direct mail piece designed to win a million pound contract
  • A single direct marketing email designed to sell 24 units at 5k per unit
  • A double sided direct marketing piece designed to sell units at £400 per unit
  • A single sheet direct mailer designed place a new product into major distributors

Also …

  • Four new websites
  • One brochure
  • Direct marketing email series
  • Lots of phone consulting

And a new star in my MENTOR program that has written her first website, PR pack and many sales letters. After just SIX calls she is about to launch her new copywriting and consulting business. INCREDIBLE!

So over the past 32 days as you can see a lot of my clients have been busy busy busy with a lot more to come. Even for myself I decided to change directions and in line with that have written my second book ISABELLA and have also taken the actions i need to take to make things happen and happen quickly.

Now I want to ask you a question and be blunt at the same time…

What have YOU DONE this past 32 days that you promised you would do 32 days ago? Let me tell you what I am seeing via email, phone calls and online forms.

This year I have probably spoken to at least half a dozen people in business that have …

  • Invested heavily in their business tools
  • Created incredible office space
  • Invested into great products
  • Invested heavily into staff

And have done almost everything you need to do online or offline to make their business look like its ready to do serious sales.

Now there is one question I like to ask everyone that gets in touch.

  • Its an answer they avoid.
  • Its a reply they hate to give.
  • Its a secret they resist to share.

Here's the question I ask them…

'What is your marketing budget?'

The reply is almost text book and it's this

'not a lot really as we have spent a fortune on everything else'

So the problem which is …

  • Not enough sales
  • Not enough profit
  • Not enough leads
  • Not enough business

Just repeats and repeats and repeated itself from year to year to year to year. UNTIL ..

Bang bang - your business is dead. Heres a real story about a newly dead business (yes newly dead I said).

I spoke to a guy that had investors put up nearly two million pounds for a nutrition product. They spent nearly three months talking about label design and six months to get the label on the tin.

They spent over 3 months talking back and to with me about maybe/maybe not.

Eventually I spent a week working out a plan for them to generate ten million pounds in turnover using killer strategies designed to get in front of their target and sell like crazy. For me it was an absolute no brainer to get it all into place and working.

Remember the figure now … TEN MILLION POUNDS in turnover from scratch.

They turned it down and you know why? They loved, adored, embraced the outcome of ten million pounds in sales yet … they wanted it doing for almost nothing. The reason they gave was they had spent enough already. They asked if I would do it for nothing and they would pay if they made a profit.

Can you imagine saying that on Dragons Den! That was two years ago.

I emailed them at the start of this year to see if I could finally help them. John replied … ' WE WENT BUST!'

I wonder why and yet I also wonder how many more businesses out there right now will collapse and die by the end of this year.

It's now 32 days since new years eve. You really have to be honest here and ask yourself what have you actually done that is any different for your outcome? If the real answer is …

'not a thing … '

You might as well get on Gumtree or Craigslist right now and go find a job. Maybe I can help create a CV for you.

  • This is 2013 and business is very different.
  • Your old ways WON'T work any more.
  • Facebook and social media .. get over it - it won't build you an empire
  • Email - it's struggling yet there are some cool secrets that'll make it work for you
  • Direct mail is probably the most powerful tool you can use right now

Yet you still have to ask yourself…

32 days later - what have I done to create a tsunami of change for my business?

  • I am here to help.
  • I only work with serious business owners.
  • I only spend time with those that want results.

Would you like to talk to me and see what we can do? If you have a budget and understand you must invest into your business to create business hit reply and lets talk. If you have no budget I am sorry but I can't make cake with no ingredients so please don't contact me.

  • Turnaround or breakthrough consulting -ASK
  • Copywriting and strategic and tactical planning - ASK

How many more days will you wait? 32 days have already passed. I'm waiting to help you

Talk soon. Alan Forrest Smith