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NEW FOR: - Copywriters, new copywriters, start-up copywriters, copywriters that struggle to get clients, copywriters that struggle to get paid, copywriters that want to earn 12 months wage from a single campaign and copywriters that like the idea of getting paid for life long after a campaign was created… SEPTEMBER 16TH - 17th 2013 EVOLUTION COPYWRITERS MASTERCLASS 2013

  • Location is Media City Manchester. Exact location to be agreed
  • Local hotels are cheap and within easy reach
  • Times for each day are 9:00am – 6:30pm
  • Payment plan at the bottom of this page

ALL-NEW Premium Copywriters Masterclass EVOLUTION from Master and Veteran Copywriter Alan Forrest Smith !

Thirty Year Copy Veteran and Acclaimed by Many Copywriters and Many, Many Experts as … 'PURE GENIUS'

Finally ... I have decided to update my original 2006 copywriters master class once and once only. That master class changed a things for a lot of people, made at least three of the students into millionaires and also created a very strong group of copywriters that have all went on to lasting success themselves.

The same class also has been sold on DVD in the thousands upon thousands and has influenced a whole generation of new copywriters that have created a good life with their new skills.

Yet there are two urgent reasons I have decided to update my classic copywriting course and training.


I have never ever seen so much utter garbage, myth and lies spoken about, written about, spoken on stages, in poor manuals, in bad ebooks and more by a bunch of half brained, misinformed amateurs in my copywriting life. One copywriter writes on his website (he's under twenty)... probably the greatest copywriter on the wolrd (yes he even spelt WORLD just like that... genius!

It might not sound like a big deal but you know what if you are one of those that order a course from a total copywriting monkey with no brain and you leave your job to do what you have been told … the shit really will hit the fan when you cannot pay your mortgage, your bills and your kids schooling (I've seen this happen on more than one occasion)!


Everything has changed since 2006. We are living in a mobile generation hooked up and addicted to double screening, iPad, iPhones, Smart phones, emails, messaging, social media and Instagram instant fame.

Business is very different on a lot of levels and in fact the biggest shift ever for marketing mankind! Communications have evolved dramatically and you have to know how to speak to the new generation.

  • Starbucks is the new office.
  • Pocket phones are the new office.
  • Tablets are the new office.
  • Attention spans are fast and furiously short.
  • Double/Triple screening is the new notepad

And of course the biggest evolution in my own life is ME. I have changed. My life has changed. My ‘everything’ has changed. My thoughts are faster, sharper, more current, more tapped in and more human. This results in advertising, marketing and copywriting that SERVES the greater need like crazy!

COPY WRITING HAS EVOLVED – Make No Mistake… Yet most copywriting is still being taught by half-wit monkeys, by morons that wouldn’t know their foot from their hand never mind fully understand and be able to grasp the mind of buyers. That can and could destroy any chance you have of becoming a top-flight copywriter.

NOTE: There are of course plenty of copywriters I respect out there and of course you know who you are and you know I am not talking about you! MF, CM, DL, JF,JC and more more.

So clearly …I’m more than a little frustrated with all the endless online crap written about for new and old copywriters … It’s total bullshit!

Because you know what? … There are a lot of really good and very happy reasons you’d love being a busy copywriter.

  • You get paid really well
  • You can pick and choose your work
  • You can live in a great home and afford it.
  • You can buy all the gadgets you want and write your campaigns in a cave if that turns you on
  • You can make love in your office anytime of the day
  • You can leave your office and spend a day thinking and drinking coffee
  • You can travel and not worry about getting back for work
  • You can nip out each day and sit in cafes drinking coffee looking at the sexy ladies walking back and to all day
  • You can do the same with the sexy guys You can dream or go riding on your next motorbike
  • You can afford the latest Apple everything
  • You can afford to stay fit, stay healthy and even afford the time to exercise each day
  • You can buy a place abroad and invite pals or hide out to write
  • You can go away for the summer or go away for the winter
  • You can spend weeks just thinking about writing and get paid to think
  • You can even increase your income ten-fold without writing a single word
  • You can work one week and take two off
  • You can write anywhere, anytime and anyhow and still get paid
  • If you want to work one day a week you can. If you want to work 7 days a week you can
  • If you want to work flat out for a year and then do nothing for a year you can
  • You can become an author
  • You can become a public speaker
  • Copywriting gives you freedom and a lifestyle you simply cannot get with a job

How do I know you can get that? Easy –The above is a snap-shot of my own life and if it wasn’t for writing copy and getting paid handsomely for doing it I’d probably still be a tired, worn-out, unfit, back-broken hairdresser praying for retirement.

But I am guessing if you are a copywriter you suffer from the following.

  • Underpaid despite doing great work
  • Struggling to find clients and when you do find them they never pay the amounts you have heard time and again that you can earn writing copy
  • Struggling to know what’s right in a market place of amateurs that are selling how-to copywriting when they have never written copy in their lives
  • Are told long copy with no graphics is the only way to write copy yet you keep seeing this long copy with no design and no thought failing
  • Have struggle when it comes to contracting a client
  • Struggle on how to get the big guys into your client list
  • Struggle to create on-going commissions
  • Struggle to get anywhere near a $1,000 for a pice of copy never mind $15,000 per piece that the experts talk about
  • You’d love to grow your business but are not sure how
  • You’d love to increase your billings but are not sure how
  • You’d love to stop running after small fry and pull in one or two big clients but are just not sure how

And this bit is horrible … you are making less now than when you had a job, getting sucked into the online vortex of pitching for everything and anything which has created a situation for you that you are now thinking about a job or running a job alongside your copywriting work which means you are working almost 24 hours a day.

You’re working longer but everyday feels shorter …

The Copywriting Myth Has Got You In its Strong Prison-Like Grip … Boo-Hoo – You’ve Been Cheated!


It's a long story.

I have my first writings at home from 1978. They were lyrics and poems for my new punk rock band. Words came early for me.

In 1985 I started writing sales copy. I had no idea what copy was. For me it was simply a page with words that had to get my hairdressing business busy fast or I was sunk.

By 1995 I had become an industry expert in writing adverts and marketing. I was one of possibly the only hairdressing salons in the UK that was using direct mail. I had developed strategies and tactics that were to take my new start-up salon from start-up to Number one in a town of 35 salons.

I created at least 50 ways of getting my salons packed each and everyday and it was packed to the roof daily even when all the other tops salons around me were sitting around filing their nails and doing each other’s hair. No wonder they tried continually to destroy my salon but they couldn’t because my advertising, copywriting and marketing was so strong (and of course i am an unbeatable warrior breed)

Around the years 1995-1998 (I think) salon business clients started asking who created my adverts. This led to me writing advertising for my clients and getting paid to do so.

I wrote a series of letters for an accountant similar to the letters I had been using in my salons. I got paid £1,500 for three letters that took me an hour or two between clients whilst running up and down the stairs to my office.

Can you know how it felt? I had been running my salons for one third of that amount per week and suddenly I had stumbled upon a way to get paid more in a couple of hours than I was getting paid for working three weeks, handling 16 staff and everything else need to make a busy salon work.

By 2000 I started a website called I knew I could simply replicate my salon marketing into any business and I also knew it was critical to do the following.

  • Position myself as number one (despite having no history in copywriting or even samples to show)
  • Get seen everywhere and anywhere fast so I could get paid and sell my salons
  • Target the big boys that had money to invest so I could get paid dramatic amounts

Because I had four kids I was also building my own house and I also had huge outgoings at the time so it was critical that this career change went as fast as possible.

Within months I was getting paid huge amounts, working with names like Jay Abraham, Michel Fortin and Jay Conrad Levinson and many, many more.

Clients were calling me, emailing me (if they had an email then) and even sending me letters to write for them.

I got paid what some would see as ridiculous amounts for putting 250 words on a page yet those 250 words were making my clients hundreds upon thousands of pounds. One day in the early days I got sent a check for $15,000 that arrived in between haircuts!

So Rather Than Business Destroying BULLSHIT The Half-Wits Are Teaching You LIKE ...

  • Get a Facebook page
  • Join LinkIn
  • Do Twitter
  • Go to Elance
  • Hang out in Warrior Forum
  • Scrape emails and spam everyone
  • And more brain dumps ...

I can show you REAL COPYWRITING BUSINESS That Makes Me Incredible Money LIKE ...

HOW TO ...

  • Get big clients
  • Get regular clients
  • Get paid commissions
  • Charge four times your billings right now
  • Convert EVERY inquiry even when they say you are too expensive
  • How to structure your billings so paying is not a problem
  • How to ask for £52,000 without even blinking
  • How to ask for £5,000 for a single advert
  • How to create powerful adverts
  • How to position yourself as premium
  • How to seed your business so it grows like crazy
  • How to brand and create a powerful meme for your business
  • How to get off the web and start making money
  • How to stop becoming forum reliant
  • How to avoid those that really know zero about the world of copywriting
  • How to find a mentor for less than £10 forever
  • How to create copy that sells like crazy and your client’s love
  • I will even show you how to break every rule you’ve been taught about copywriting so far and make ten times more doing so.

What Can Being a Brilliant High-Demand Copywriter Do For You?

I can share this with you and I mean every last word a real truth and a real story…copywriting saved my life!

In March 2010 after a 5-year divorce and what felt like a war during my first life I was left with not a single penny in the bank and then forced into bankruptcy that had gone way beyond my control.

I had nothing not a single thing from my first life! I was sleeping on a sofa above a garage where a friend parked his car every night (fumes is one memory I have) I then had to go live with my parents at 47 and live like a 14 year old kid! Pressure and illness stopped my business dead in its tracks due to the intensity of family warfare (one day I actually thought my heart had stopped) Endless court and legal letters almost drove me to an early death. Believe me I was absolutely broken!

But not quite ... It takes more than that to destroy this man! One day I was sitting in the local graveyard (where I used to sit and think in privacy) and then I reminded myself of a mantra I used to say all the way through the divorce battle and it was this, “no one can ever destroy me – EVER!”

I’d forgotten this in my darkest days and then and only then did I have this moment that pulled me back from the brink.

It was this…

There are three things I need in my life right now to recover.

1. CASH: The first was cash, as I had none (so I had to make some quickly)

2. HOME: Next I needed my own home and cash to pay for the first 12 month in advance (I couldn’t get a home with my bankrupt credit)

3. WOMAN: Then I needed a good strong woman that could tolerate an eccentric like myself.

Within six weeks of realizing this I had a cash in my bank account, I had moved into my new house.

Today copy writing has given me …

  • The cash and the paying clients I need for a happy fulfilled life
  • The house I need to be able to think big and grow bigger (six bed-roomed rural farmhouse)
  • Travel abroad 5 times a year
  • A home and office in Tbilisi Georgia where we go for the summer
  • A beautiful powerful strong Georgian warrior woman
  • And of course … all the gadgets and boys things I need to keep my quiet (if that is possible)


By having the powerful ability to write and create powerful copy for my high-end clients. They love me and what I do, I love and look after them.

So if you want to avoid all the ENDLESS COPYWRITING BULLSHIT as taught by monkeys and morons and of course create a new life a better business and wonderful lifestyle writing copy I am ready to share some stuff with you.


  • How to think different
  • How to act different
  • How to clean your mind of all the crap (the perfect brain washer)
  • How to prepare for a new career
  • How to get focused
  • How to get sharp and stay sharp
  • How to seed your new copy business
  • How to write converting emails
  • How to convert all enquiries
  • How to write an email worth £52,000
  • How to win your most sought after client
  • How to ask a client for a new Harley Davidson and then get them to pay you cash
  • How to write a $117,000 webpage
  • How to write a 400 new customers flyer
  • How to write for the instant generation
  • How to create client funnels
  • How to get your clients doubling their spend
  • How to make your clients dependent
  • How to get high-end clients coming to you
  • The must do daily tasks of a successful copywriter
  • Why you must stop reading everything
  • Why you need to read more of something
  • How to build a real business
  • How to create any income you wish
  • How to structure and strategize for that income above

And a few other tricks I will share with you that could change your life so many ways if you allow those changes to happen.

I have seen lives of those that work with me transform from things like ...

  • Nurse to a copywriter
  • Student to a copywriter
  • Street lout to a copywriter
  • Broke to huge wealth
  • Failure to amazing success
  • Fireman to businessman
  • Pub landlord to world expert
  • Shy newbie to stage speaker
  • Nature reserve worker to premium consultant
  • Banker to copy writer
  • Shy student to copywriter
  • Solidier to consultant
  • and many more

Please read what one of my students Jonny Drover recently wrote to me after a visit to my home... AFS Mentor Visit 2013

I'd grown used to the early morning alarm bashing me over the head at 5 am - it was a routine I'd become accustomed to as the early sun rises dictated. My full-time job involved me in wildlife management at Exeter Airport and required me to be there in ample time to shift the roosting and feeding birds from the runway, before the first plane departed.

Today presented me with a different set of prospects though. The butterflies in my gut reminded me that I would take the first plane from Exeter to Manchester to meet Alan Forrest Smith. I leaped from my warm bed and looked outside. The dawn chorus was in full verse as I peered across the orchards under the big blue sky. With a warm spring day in prospect I gathered the contents of my bag together and sat for a few minutes in mental preview mode. What was I expecting from my visit?


'I'm going to see Alan today and I haven't made any notes...', I thought. 'Oh well, I'll jot down some issues and talking points on the plane', I told myself. 'Wow, so this is it', I thought again. The excitement welled up as I sipped my mug of strong tea and crunched through a slice of toast and honey.

I was about six weeks into the mentor course with Alan so the timing for this visit seemed as perfect as it could be. I felt that I'd come a great distance in my personal life and the way I generally functioned. Evidence of this reminded me everyday that the out-come was all I needed to motivate me. I had been into so many home based business ventures which had all failed, to put it bluntly. This was different though - totally holistic is how I would put it. It felt like I'd been given a second chance of a new life through a person rather than a scheme or a nebulous process that was only attainable by the few.

I stood in the check-in queue at the airport and looked around. A mish-mash of signs instructing people to do this and not do that, in a controlled environment so common these days.

The girl behind the desk at the bureau de change was rudely startled by a very grubby airport worker, asking her if she was going to do any work today - his infectious smile revealing his broken tobacco stained dentures. I checked in for my flight and tackled the security process. A series of barriers sent me completely the wrong way and although I was standing next to the security, I was on the wrong side of the barrier which could have been un-hitched to let me through but instead I was told by a stern looking security guard to go all the way back round. At this stage I felt like a school boy and a complete inconvenience but realized that the airport security along with most of the other workers were there because they had to be. Feeling a little self conscious I took my shoes off as instructed, put my belongings into the plastic scanning tray and walked through the scanner which burst into alarm. My imagination kicked in as I saw myself being carted off and thrown into a cell somewhere... 'Of course', I thought, 'these people really get off on this and all for £7 an hour...'. Wow, what have we become - security overload jobbers - or what!'.

Before long I was boarding my plane to Manchester and as I shuffled down the isle of the narrow cabin I noticed that most people were pre occupied with their newspaper - complete silence - not a word of conversation. Sullen gazes of people who looked very depressed! I was like a child in wonder, sitting in my window seat looking out across the open sun-drenched airfield - the early morning mist rising from the meadows. My day dream was interrupted by the routine announcement concerning life jackets and escape exits as we taxied to the turn-around point where the aircraft roared into life and rumbled down the bumpy runway. As we rotated upwards the plane became smooth and efficient as the ground became more and more distant. Over Exmoor and tracking northwest over Wales, the sun glinted in various rivers and lakes way down below us.

My adventure was now a reality and began to feel more like a lone pilgrimage.

After only half an hour I felt the plane pitch it's nose downward as we started to approach Manchester Airport and after a lengthy decent we were bumping down the runway. After stopping I grabbed my bag and joined the queue leading to the plane's exit. Walking across the airport apron my excitement hit fever pitch. It was like arriving in a different country because it was so warm, even at eight o'clock. Manchester airport was huge - long corridors with automatic barriers and doors lead me to the terminal exit. I looked at my phone and then looked up at the continuos flow of traffic driving past outside the airport entrance. My eyes engaged Alan disappearing round the corner! After a frantic phone call he pulled up. I jumped in the front seat and we shook hands. It felt like I'd known him for years! We drove to a coffee bar and immediately engaged in conversation.

I remember feeling very comfortable in the presence of someone who'd walked a path of success and carried the battle scars of those not so successful challenges that we have to overcome. I related to the relationships side of life and had had similar experiences with being a dad and a husband. I had put a few tried and tested principles that he'd taught me in the early weeks and was eager to share the results. They had worked with great effectiveness. When I first contacted Alan my 'plate' was well and tru-ly full for two reasons. Firstly, my wife was ill and was in bed with a back injury and secondly, I was working full time. The mentor program was the only reason why I've managed to stay sane and move ahead!

Shortly after we finished our coffee we drove to Lymm and arrived at Alan's house. There I met Tamara, Alan's wonderful partner - we sat in the warm sunshine in their garden talking. It was here and now that I was able to formulate a major strategy which would fuel the business idea that I'd been working on.

This decision came in a flash because the energy was flowing in torrents. I know that this happened because I had the faith and conviction to follow a given set of instructions distilled from experience and creativity.

This confirmed that there is something significant about the synergy of face to face conversation which will always pay off, if followed through with action, towards an outcome. In the past I lacked conviction and confidence in this area but this was a whole lot different - some crucial building blocks had already been laid over the previous weeks.

'Well, we haven't done much business!', Alan said to Tamara as we returned to the house. 'Blimey, speak for yourself!', I thought. 'He's given me enough to think about for a month! Plus - I know what the next step will be which was my major issue before I came here' I thought.

At this stage Alan showed me around his house and to the infamous 'cave'. 'So this was where the ideas flow and the action takes place...', I thought. This place reminded me a bit of one of Rudyard Kipling's rooms where he used to write, having worked at his house a few years ago...

After a photo session we decided to go for a walk around a lake nearby so we set off under the sun and leafy shade. The conversation was flowing about family, relationships and kids. I guess being in the same age group gives us a lot in common and we'd had some similar experiences. The biggest principle that underpinned this topic was one of independence. This was a massive shift and reality check that I had to change at home. A while ago, I never realized how unnecessarily dependent my adult children were on me and it was draining my energy.

The conversation moved to internet marketing. Before Mentor (BM as I refer to it) I gen-uinely thought that I would make a comfortable living online. How wrong I was! I have since learned that Internet Marketing is a complete myth without a 'real' business. I also realize that the individuals who proliferate the IM myth are like vampires who prey on the innocent. ‘I think it is time to bring these people to task and cleanse the world of the-se parasites who give genuine online commerce a bad name’, I concluded.

Time raced as we returned to Alan's in 24 degrees of spring sunshine. We had a bite to eat and Alan gave me a signed copy of 'Escape From Zoomanity'.

I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and humility. I'd never felt like this before. I was in-spired and uplifted and I felt that I'd been given the biggest opportunity to succeed to date.

There was a bang on the front door and I knew that this was my taxi back to the airport. We said our goodbyes and I hoped that we'd meet again.

Manchester airport was buzzing - I was buzzing even more!

I found a quiet place to sit and reflect for an hour. I looked through the huge windows as the planes lifted into the air. I was so happy and felt privileged to be able to jump on a plane to meet someone who I'd wanted to meet for several months and return to my family, all in a day!

I wanted to write but I couldn't so I made a few calls instead. I drank coffee in the departure lounge for 2hrs in a complete daze! I just went with the flow of how I felt and relaxed.

It wasn't long before I was in the air again. Back to 'sleepy hollow' I flew - over the Welsh mountains and the Bristol Channel - I could see the Quantock hills where I went to school over 35 years ago. I was eager to get back now and ‘spill the beans’ to my wife and kids. It wasn't long before I was back home and as I walked along my drive towards my garden the smell of barbecuing chicken greeted my rumbling stomach.

I felt like Frodo returning to the shire and I couldn’t contain the massive smile which prompted my wife to ask...

'So, how was it?'

'Well...’, I replied... ‘I've had the most incredible day!'

MENTOR Changes Lives EVOLUTION COPY WRITERS MASTERCLASS WILL TRANSFORM The Lives and Businesses Of Copy Writers - My LONG Track Record Is Proof of That!

You might be wondering if you are a long way away ... Where do my students travel from? All types from all locations.

Nurses, Dentists, Consultants, Web designers, Musicians, Writers, Authors, Retired, Speakers, Health store retailers, Realtors, Property Gurus, Traders, Hair and Beauty Salon Owners, University Graduates and so many, many more.

They have flown in from New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Asia, San Francisco, Los Angele's, California, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, South Africa, Finland and more.


They are all seeking the solution to a problem in business and in life. Most want more business and a better life … does that sound like you?

Either way EVOLUTION COPY WRITERS MASTERCLASS IS BULLSHIT FREE!. Just see what theGod Father of Direct Marketing said about me…

"Alan ... you bring to the marketing landscape one of the most brilliant, sensible and realistic minds on this planet. You live in the present and your advice is so practical and helpful that you wonder why you didn't think of it yourself. But the truth is that few people have the marketing insight that you demonstrate on a regular basis..."

Jay Conrad Levinson, You are invited to join me and the rest of the students but will you take this opportunity and come?

What you need to know is …

The COPYWRITERS MASTERCLASS - EVOLUTION is a ONE-OFF Class and I Won’t Be Doing Another for at Least Another 6-7 Years - If at all!

Miss this and it's at long wait!

The Date and details are at the end of this page ... My master classes are designed to beFREE FROM AMATEUR BULLSHIT. They give you not just new business skills but also LIFE TOOLS that you can use time and time again to create a wonderful life that lasts and can be transferred or left as an inheritance to your family!

First this is a …

Two-day live master class

The two days are dedicated to my successful (Alan Forrest Smith) ‘unique’ COPYWRITERS MASTERCLASS EVOLUTION & MENTOR program. (More below)

This is also an opportunity for you to meet my MENTOR STUDENTS, listen to them and how they have gone from absolutely new start to where they are right now.

You’ll meet

  • Dilys
  • Vincent
  • Jonny and maybe more if I can get them here
  • I am also working on bringing an copy expert that will blow you away

They will happily answer any questions and show you their own progresses trials and over comings during their own journeys so you can relate to them.

Everything I know about business, making good money, copywriting business, consulting, marketing and changing lifestyles are included in the copywriters masterclass - EVOLUTION MENTOR live.

You’ll love it!

So Join Me and You’ll Get …

  • Meet my MENTOR students
  • Meet Alan face-to-face
  • Q&A sessions
  • Swipe files
  • Tools
  • Contracts
  • Strategies for huge billings
  • Tactics that will transform any copy business
  • One-to-one opportunities with Alan and his MENTOR students
  • Signed copy of Alan’s book, Escape from Zoomanity
  • FREE GIVEAWAY £40,000 Prize Draw to be mentored by Alan for 12 months ... (YOU COULD BE THAT WINNER

This is a classroom program. You must bring your

  • Laptop
  • Notepad
  • Pens
  • Current marketing materials you use
  • And be fresh and sharp for the day!

Date and location details at the end of this page

Times for each day are 9:00am – 5:30pm

Here’s some of what I’ll be sharing with you …

  • How to get started in business as a copywriter/consultant/marketing man
  • How to build a small yet powerful toolkit
  • What to read, what to avoid
  • Identifying your client base
  • Creating the right image using the power of brands!
  • How to leverage the web for leads and exposure
  • How to get in the right mindset by removing old thoughts with new thoughts
  • How to write your first adverts
  • How to think like a customer
  • How to build your business very, very fast
  • How to charge five times more than your competition
  • How to sell yourself as an uber-consultant
  • How to sell yourself as an uber-copywriter
  • How to create powerful lead generation talks
  • How to write an EXPERT marketing book
  • How to get published, and listed in Amazon and all leading book retailers
  • How to rise above the me-too pack
  • How to become THE expert’s first choice of copywriter, consultant or go to man for premium results!

AND SO MUCH MORE We’ll talk, copywriting, marketing, consulting, and life. I’ll even bring one of the webs leading traffic specialists in for you to help you instantly boost leads and enquiries before you even leave the classroom.

We cover all of the modules with extras (as live always is)

  • Success modules (some kept private, only revealed live)
  • Strategy
  • Planning
  • Tactics
  • Branding
  • Copywriting
  • Mindset strategy
  • Seeding
  • Framing
  • Story telling
  • Contracts
  • Billings
  • Structures
  • Timings
  • Cash flow
  • Client flow
  • Targeting
  • and a million other things ...

And so much more that will be shared live

These two days are designed to transform your copywriting business and your life.

You’ll absolutely love it! You’ll absolutely devour what I have to share with you.

You’ll leave with skills that I promise you 99% of copywriters and consultants out there do not possess. This weekend is designed to give you the absolute edge, no question!



  • Build a real business
  • Build a lasting business
  • Build a life-style business
  • Build a profitable business
  • Build a happy life

I’m going to show you how to create four areas in your business that will give you at least £524,280 a year.

  • Area 1. £280,000
  • Area 2. £104,000
  • Area 3. £80,000
  • Area 4. £60,000

And I will tell you … these are the basic rules I stick to. I’ll show you even more advanced stuff when we meet.

I'll even reveal how I… and how YOU CAN …

  • From new to global position in less than a year
  • At one single speaking event 3 people offered me FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to write their next sales piece.
  • In one single day I have been paid 18,000 to write sales copy
  • I now charge (and get paid) 500 or $780 per hour
  • I've been flown business class to Switzerland and back again, all expenses paid
  • I've been flown business class to Latvia and back again, all expenses paid
  • I've been flown business class to Melbourne and back again, all expenses paid
  • There's more
  • I distributed literally thousands of DVDs all over the world without huge global lists
  • I spoken all over the globe
  • I taught copywriters all over the globe
  • Built friendships and wined and dined with the likes of
  • Jay Conrad Levinson
  • Michel Fortin
  • Jay Abraham
  • Andrew Reynolds
  • John Carlton
  • Yanik Silver
  • Ted Nicholas
  • Joe Polish
  • Armand Morin
  • Harv Eker
  • Marlon Sanders
  • Stephen Peirce
  • And dozens more contacts like a who's who of marketing.

Now a published author and had 3 publishers knocking down my door to publish my book because of truly strong positioning and branding.

And here's the funny bit...

I do all of this PART-TIME!. FAQ

Q: I came to the last class in 2006 and also have the DVDs do I get a discount?

A: No - this is a brand new, highly evolved training weekend that really has not a lot to do with the last class as far as detail or structure goes. This class is a quantum leap ahead from the last one and as you see it's also £3,000 lower than the 2006 class.

Q: I need a payment plan to suit my circumstance - can that be done please?

A: YES but please remember any deposit is non-refundable but yes we can structure a plan to suit you.

Q: I want the lower price so can I hold a seat now and pay later?

A: Seats can only be held with a deposit.

Q: Cn I bring my partner or friend for free?

A: No the price is per head

Q: Can I bring my teenage son or daughter?

A: Yes they can join us for an extra £100 to cover their costs but there is no-charge for young people. The reason is it gives them a mind-expanding opportunity to see their world a different way.

Q: Is there support beyond the EVOLUTION MASTERCLASS?

A: The only support I can offer right now is my paid MENTOR beyond any classes.

Q: I know you can i have a discount?

A: No - there are no discounts for anyone not even my mother!

Q: Can I come now and pay later from my new business?

A: No

Q: Is there anyway I can come for FREE?

A: Yes … Sell 5 seats and yours is free

More FAQ as they arrive

At EVOLUTION Mentor Live I will give you all you need to create a powerful training weekend and more.

You'll get EVERYTHING from me, all I know from 30 years in business and more!

This is the best business investment you'll ever make ... just ask these guys.

  • Jason went from street punk to six figure copywriter working with some of the webs best know entrepreneurs
  • Stephen flew all the way from Sydney to join me in England and went home to generate over one hundred thousands dollars in under 12 weeks!
  • Kevin turned his business around from facing bankruptcy to well over $2,4 million dollars in 11 months
  • Caroline went from pressure from the taxman, no cash flow, almost broke to a turnover increase of 53.4% in just 4 weeks!
  • David created a massive windfall of $300,000 in just 16 hours!
  • Alison earned $4,000 in a single week, that’s double what she earns in a month!
  • Sian gained the ability to replace her wage and replace it allowing her to walk away for a job of 20 years.


SEPTEMBER 16TH - 17th 2013 I have deliberately made this a week day because I believe you need weekends for YOU, your life, your family - not for business. This also weeds out the hangers on that are wasting their time and my time. Book a your days off now!

  • Location is Media City Manchester. Exact location to be agreed
  • Local hotels are cheap and within easy reach.
  • Times for each day are 9:00am – 6:30pm

MORE TIME WITH ME: I go for a walk around 6:30am… you can join me if you like and grab some extra special attention while you are here over breakfast.

Come prepared to work and work hard. This is a breakthroughEVOLVING weekend and should be treated as an opportunity to turn around your life and business.

Who Is This Weekend For?

  • ANYONE in business as a copywriter, consultant.
  • ANYONE wanting to do the above without all the slowness of the same old stuff out there now.
  • ANYONE wanting to get a new business fast-tracked into profits.
  • ANYONE that wants to over-haul and transform their marketing from the ground up.

Before you book - here’s a few more things you’ll walk home with. AND

  • Real-life case studies you can copy and paste into your web business.
  • Copy writing, Marketing and Search Driven Strategies
  • How to write search Driven Copy
  • How single words will increase conversions
  • How using graphics will increase your sales
  • 5 Simple tricks for more sales
  • How to get your visitors to say yes before they read your page.
  • How to quadruple your sales using a copy and paste technique
  • How to increase leads
  • How to build lists.
  • How to write Adwords for maximum effect.
  • How to create the perfect selling webpage.
  • How to write sexy alluring copy for search engines
  • How to create perfect web driven search copy
  • How to NEVER get dropped by Google by saying the wrong thing over and over again.


  • How to fast track your copy writing skills
  • How to get billion dollar copywriters for free
  • How to copy, paste and transform some of the worlds most successful adverts in 30 minutes or less
  • How to create powerful, headlines, body copy and mouthwatering offers
  • Everything you need to know about copy for more conversion
  • Your hands on workshop
  • Thinking and creating your new strategies for traffic and conversion
  • Putting them into action
  • How to make small steps giant leaps
  • How to get your investment back in 30 days or less
  • Mastermind your solutions

Finally every now and then along comes an opportunity to make a change in our lives. Is EVOLUTION COPYWRITERS MASTERCLASS your opportunity?

As a copy writer or someone that wants to be a copy writer you have two choices.

OPTION 1: You can listen to the endless get-rich-quick BULLSHIT from the inexperienced, the unwise, the amatuers and the thieves willing to take your cash despite they have as much idea about creating sales copy as a monkey has about driving a car!

OPTION 2: Listen to an expert with over 30 years expereince, has created high-level pieces that have generated millions and created a lifestyle from dust using decades tested copy and business building rules that simply cannot be broken.

I'm willing to teach you everything I know, all you have to do is book your place and join me and my mentor students.


I’m not saying you’ll walk away anything like me (god forbid) but I am offering you an opportunity to spend two days with myself learning, discovering and having fun creating brand new business that is going to be with you for life.


At Least Nine Ways You'll Get Your Investment Back

  • You'll learn how to create and send a brief with an invoice attached for £52,000 for copywriting.
  • You'll discover how to create emails that convert at a rate of 100% to any inquiry
  • You'll discover how one technique I use to double every billing
  • You'll discover how to create a steady stream of high-end clients
  • You'll discover how to create a deal where a client pays you for the next 12 months for doing no more work
  • You'll discover how I send out all my own billings and get paid 100% before I write a single word
  • You'll discover how to write your website so clients come to you
  • You'll discover how to double your turnover for the week after you join me
  • AND MORE ...

BEFORE YOU BOOK PART TWO ... Ten Reasons to Come and Some Reasons To Think Twice

  • I do not offer a money back guarantee. (This stops the monkey bullshitters coming along) If you want a single click make money business - please do not come I would advise you to go hang out at one of the large free sell-a-thon pitch fests that allow you in for nothing!
  • Tickets will be released slowly
  • Today all tickets are just £1,995.00
  • Only TEN tickets will be sold on the first release and when they are sold the doors will close for now.
  • More tickets will be sold and the price will rise £500 each time
  • Location is Manchester - to be agreed closer to the date
  • You can get there by train, plane or car, very easily
  • You can bring any recording equipment you like and record everything you like
  • This is for copy writer - new copy writers - seasoned copy writers that want the edge - those that want to flexible life using writing to make good money
  • Anyone looking for a career change and is interested in getting paid very very well
  • Two Days in a classroom setting
  • You'll meet my MENTOR students
  • I reserve the right to change details on this page
  • I reserve the right to throw anyone out of the class that becomes a pain in the arse to the whole classroom

Thats Its For Now...

ARE YOU READY AND PREPARED TO EVOLVE? There is a brand new generation of people out there that are doing things very different how most copywriters do things. They NEED you but they NEED you to be thinking different in this fast evolving marketplace.

If you give them what they need they will reward you handsomely. I'm doing this once and once only, I will show you everything I know to build a real business for a very new world.

Join me - you won'r regret it!

SEPTEMBER 16TH - 17th 2013 I have deliberately made this a week day because I believe you need weekends for YOU, your life, your family - not for business. This also weeds out the hangers on that are wasting their time and my time. Book a your days off now!

  • Location is Media City Manchester. Exact location to be agreed
  • Local hotels are cheap and within easy reach.
  • Times for each day are 9:00am – 6:30pm

MORE TIME WITH ME: I go for a walk around 6:30am… you can join me if you like and grab some extra special attention while you are here over breakfast.

I can’t wait to meet you for the first, second or even the third time.

See you there.

Grab your ticket now! The first 10 tickets are just £1,995

Once they have gone the price will rise by £500 on each release date.

There will be FIVE release dates

  • Now £1,995 - 10 only - 5 ALREADY GONE use button below.

One payment of £1,995

  Use This Payment Plan £665 X 3 EVOLUTION Masterclass Payments

Number of payments 3 Start payments At checkout

[table id=1 /]

* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.

Sign up for

  • June 1st £2,495
  • July 1st £2,995
  • August 1st £3,495
  • September 1st £ 3,995
  • And if we still haven't sold out ... £5,000 on the door.

You can make a NON-REFUNDABLE booking today for £995. Balance to be paid no later than September 1st.

Can you afford this? On the first day you will learn 5 tricks and adjustments that will give you back your £5,000 in one client!

Can you afford to miss this class?

Email on ways to pay. REMINDERS

This is an EVOLVED COPYWRITERS MASTERCLASS UPDATE on my 2006 MASTERCLASS. I will be doing this new master cLass ONCE ONLY. 100% BULLSHIT FREE TRAINING from an Expert!