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Mentor Stephen Georgulis

$90,000 Within Weeks ... Meet Stephen Georgulis

Stephen was a high school graduate. He had never had a full-time job. He jumped on a plane, flew all the way from Sydney, Australia. Stevo had NO previous experience and knew zero about copywriting.After spending two days with me at one of my previous master classes he has earned well over $100,000 in 12 months! He now has clients falling out of his pockets.

A Personal Message Direct From One of Alan's Students...

Stephen *NINJA*Georgulis I borrowed $25,000 from my mother, then flew from Sydney, Australia, to Manchester England to train with Alan! Within 12 weeks of my training "I had lined up$90,000 worth of work "

Readwhat I really think about Alan's training below!

This is the exact email I sent Alan when I saw he was running his copywriting/advertising course again

Hey mate, After we were talking on the phone the other day I got to thinking about the last couple of years since we first met… and about what being trained by you has done for me in that time.

It’s pretty crazy and amazing really so I just wanted to share it with you in writing so that if you want to share it with others you can… and they can get a real insight into how great of a bloke you are and how you’ve got the goods to help them too.

A Lot to be Thankful for... I’ve a lot to be thankful for as a result of knowing and being mentored by you and I know they will be too if they take the chance to attend one of your programs.

Obviously when we met back in 2005 I was a complete novice when it came to advertising, copywriting and marketing – I knew nothing. The first material I’d literally ever read on any of those topics was the material you and Brett sent me as a thank you for signing up for the Advertising Masterclass. You couldn’t find someone who knew less about those topics than me.

As you know, I left at the end of that weekend of the Masterclass with you certain I had everything I could ever need to know to make a fantastic living writing great ads and creating successful businesses using it. I assured you I’d be a success as a result.

To keep this short… here we are in 2007 and looking back in hindsight I’ve been through a lot, achieved a load and have a lot to be thankful for as a result of everything you’ve done for me.

You know that within 12 weeks of the Masterclass I was working with some of the biggest direct marketing entrepreneurs in Australia… as well as doing jobs for you and your clients.

$90,000 Within Weeks And I remember our chat when I had lined up $90,000 worth of work in those 12 weeks too. Life was phenomenal for me… couldn’t stop smiling and laughing about the cash on offer and all the while I’m working when I want and cruising down to the beach for a swim and relax with my mates on weekdays whenever they were free from their 40 or 60hr/week jobs.

Less than a year later I’m heading over to England on your invitation to speak at your next Masterclass. I knew I’d earned it because of the hard work I’d done but couldn’t believe I was flying across the world to speak beside you at your seminars.

These days I’m working with entrepreneurs and businesses across the world, Australia, the U.S, the UK making great money (one job I’m about to start is making me more in 4 days than I’d get paid for 2 months of work in a top business firm here in Dublin)!

  • This is the class I attended
  • This is another class I taught at with Alan.
  • This is me teaching others at one of Alan's training weekends in London
  • Alan invited me to teach others at his non conformist marketer day in Sydney, Australia

Busy Making Money And on top of my own work, I’m busy with joint ventures with partners overseas as well as just having launched a new company with a business partner in America that’s going to be super-profitable for me.

But more importantly than all the business success I have to thank you for, it’s the freedom in life that’s the true gift.

I have a freedom in my life that most people will never have.

You know I love doing my martial arts training. I’ve been able to go to Japan to train several times in the last few years and could literally go and live there if I wanted because I can set up my business anywhere and work from anywhere. How many people can do that?

Over the last couple of years I’ve taken trips to different places around the world to visit friends from other countries. I’ve literally just done this when I’ve felt like it with little or know interruption to my business. How many people can do that?

And most important, as you know I was just recently able to relocate overseas to live with my girlfriend with very little hassle. How many people can do that?

How many people can do these things, literally just up and move their entire lives overseas without it affecting their businesses at all? Well I could and it’s thanks to you more than anyone else.

My Lifestyle ... AWESOME! Almost everyone I meet who asks what I do, thinks my lifestyle sounds awesome – many are straight up jealous. I tell them they could have it too, they just have to do what I have and find someone like you who knows what they’re talking about and really cares.

I could go on for ages but you know the deal. Like everything else in life, business is a game that has it’s up and downs. It’s no secret that the most successful people in life have failed more times than they’ve succeeded. A large factor in creating that success is who they’ve got beside them as mentors and allies. I wouldn’t have it any other way than having you beside me as mine.

You've Been There So I Succeeded You’ve been there for me over the last couple of years more than I ever expected. When I’ve needed help, advice or guidance – I’ve got it. When I’ve suffered a setback and needed a friend who understands what I’m going through – I’ve got it. And when I’ve had a major success or achieved a goal – I’ve got it. All from you. I simply can’t say thank you enough for that.

On top of all of this, what’s even more amazing is that in working with you, I’m still learning from you every time we talk... even after 2 ½ years. (If that’s not proof of how much you know and have to offer then I don’t know what is).

I’ll wrap this up now as it’s already too long. I wanted it to be something others could quickly read and understand that you’re a class act all round… as a copywriter and marketer, as a business teacher and mentor, and more importantly as a person.

I consider myself VERY LUCKY to have had the benefit of both learning from you and working with you.

I consider myself very lucky to have had the benefit of both learning from you and working with you. And even more so I consider myself lucky to have you as a friend.

Thanks for everything… and here’s to an even brighter future for us both (along with everyone else smart enough to do business with us)! ;)


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