Business Storytelling - The Big Shift
Business Storytelling - The Big Shift
For those that know me you will see a lot new new directions here at
And if you don't know me, welcome and enjoy this news.
I began way back in 1998. It feels like a million years ago.
Business consulting and advising was how it began in the tiny office of my hair salon. Customers wanted to know how I was so successful. I told them. They paid me. It really was that simple.
Then the demand for my writing copywriting services very quickly and accidentally took off. The sales for my clients went well over one hundred million from my writing alone. The response rates were higher than most averages. The average direct mailer had been under 2%. I was hitting direct mail as high as 47%
And to be frank it was an extremely busy time for me writing sales or persuasive copy day in day out.
Today’s new world has changed. The past few years have changed the way the consumer thinks and acts. Gen Z is also the number one buyer. The commodity of truth has become hard for most to afford. The world has now become cynical, disbelieving and at times nervous about dealing with anyone.
And that’s fine because the whole history of mankind is in constant change.
In line with that you will notice on my website today I am leaning more towards.
Here is an example from me here. You will soon see why customers raved about this story. See here.
Business Storytelling and Business Films
If you are in business in 2023 and beyond you will have felt the change out there for your story - or truth - to be revealed. This means the public - especially Gen Z - wants to know your story and what your story truly is. If you don’t tell them - they will search until they find out.
So telling your storytelling about your business is probably the biggest and most ignored area of marketing a business right now. And the reason there is a gap is that most businesses are simply repeating the same old story. That might have worked then but it won’t work now. It definitely won’t work with Gen Z.
The second reason is you will sell more, increase more and gain more if you tell an open and honest story. Business storytelling is the new direct response - for now - and of you are not telling your story you are losing sales.
With that in mind as a writer and man that has been writing stories since 1985, creating endless stories in copy, books and other writings I have decided to swing more to business storytelling supported by my business filmmaking, business books and authoring or ghostwriting for clients like you.
If you want to become a business that is in demand, searched for, wanted, and is the only no.1 option - telling an authentic business story that no one knows is truly authentic will deliver more sales, more response, and more results for you.
Your buyers want to see business storytelling they can relate to, attach to and feel empathetic towards.
Expect a lot more of that going forward from
Alan Forrest Smith
Updated by Tamara Forrest-Smith