How Many Words Should You Use in your sales copy?

It’s been a long time since I wrote an email about sales copy or as I prefer to say ... words. Yet I know a lot of you on my list like to hear from me about words.

For instance - how long should your copy be? I get asked this a lot.

I don't share much maybe because it seems everyone and his granny are now 'experts' after reading a book on copy. So here is a genuine share from the front line of a multi-million-pound wordsmith.

Let me share something with you I think will be useful if you use words.

Most of what I see for general business, high street shops, entrepreneurs, and so on has nothing to do with long endless sales copy.

But that’s never really changed.

In my early days writing long-form copy was never really used that much. Two A4 sheets were enough to masterfully share what had to be shared and get a response. And that is how I always did it and still do today.,


Things have changed.

I recently worked with a mentor business where all of the ADS and campaigns (around 150 Ads) were built around one single tagline that had single word changes and various imagery.

The advertising campaign was a massive success as I expected.

So, let me repeat that.

Single words.

One tag line with subtle changes.

Changeable images.

All as old as Adam himself.

Yet so many of you are looking for the magic pill.

Well, there is kind of a secret to this I have always done myself. It is the same secret that helped me create over £800,000 for one client by changing a headline and an offer.

The headline was fifteen words and I changed it to just three. I also changed the offer to four words rather than a full paragraph.

Fascinating stuff, right?

I am currently working with one big client. They contracted for a year. Apart from all the usual stuff I do which is like an MRI scan of their business I also look at their messages.

So far I have broken every step-down and created a short series of new campaigns for them. All campaign headings now contain one word and one of the campaigns has two words.

That’s it!

This is part of a campaign to go take this business from £2.2 million to £5 million in turnover over a year.

Using single words and single taglines.

Old school but we replicate it through everything – online and offline.

And it's powerful.

By the way, there are other powerful keys to the success of a sales letter campaign.

Research being the most powerful.
Mindset mining being another.
Linguistic matching is another.

Of course, there are more.

So, these days I don’t really talk too much about words or copy but I hope this reveals something for you and stimulates you to do something different.

Because … this is a very powerful insight for anyone in business in 2019.

I have one place for a client right now. The contract is 12-months but only contact me if you are up for huge changes and very different results.

This isn’t for writing copy (I really don’t write just copy theses days) but for bigger business makeovers etc. If it isn’t working … let's talk and make some magic happen.

This is for serious business owners only.

You know how to get me.

The Super Consultant, Alan Forrest Smith

Message me for a callback. (important: I do not offer a free advice service so if you are not serious about the business please don't disrespect my time)WhatsApp: + 44 7793069486 Text: + 44 7793069486