Carpenter To Copywriter - MENTOR

Carpenter To Copywriter - MENTOR

Meet Stuart.

Stuart has been mentored with me for the past year and is training to become a copywriter. I can tell you this… he’s good, very good!

Then I read this on his website… “The second course I went on was with the best copywriter in the industry I believe, but I almost needed to re mortgage the house to pay for it. He took my copywriting to a new level though.”

Let me tell you about Stuart and see if you can see yourself in his story.

When Stuart contacted me about copywriting MENTOR we spoke over the phone and he told me stories about how many different courses he had taken yet his shocking confession was…” ALL were a total waste of money” and he couldn’t afford to make the same mistake again.

To work with myself over the copywriting MENTOR period we agreed was going to cost Stuart around £10,000. What Stuart wanted more than anything was a change of LIFE!

Stuart needed less long hours and hard, hard work and more time to enjoy his wife, his life and his love of riding motorbikes around the country.

Now a couple for things you should know about this guy. Every hour of every day of his is accounted for. He has to wake at 5:30am do what he does, leave home and start the hard work of being a builder, a master craftsman and a self employed guy that has to continually do everything needed to run a business.

Some of his days end around 8pm after he comes back home from pricing and quoting new works. So you can imagine how important it was for Stuart to make sure that he could actually find the time to do MENTOR. After all he had to find time to write daily, to read daily, to practice daily, to fill his website and more yet the guy had no spare hours.

So the first thing we did after an initial conversation was to re-shuffle his hours and claim back bits of time here and there so he could squeeze everything in. After to change a life takes huge changes and huge changes takes huge efforts… Stuart understood and rarely have I seen a student as committed as he is when it comes to change.


A couple of things I do want to share with you. Stuart is a really great writer and if you take him for a test run he is worth every penny! Stuart is also a really great guy, funny, sharp, and committed to helping you get the results I know you’ll want. He asked if he could write a note to you so here is his note.

Hello, I’d like to introduce myself to you.

“My name’s Stuart and I’ve recently finished my intensive mentoring course with Alan Forrest Smith. He say’s I’m ready to be let loose on client’s projects now - so that’s what I’m doing. Before I get into all that though, you may want to know a little bit about my previous background, to see what I’ve been up to.

I’m a professional carpenter and kitchen fitter by trade. I’ve been self employed, running my own business since 1982. So look, I already know exactly what it’s like to get up at 5.30 each morning, go to work, do quotes, constantly finding new work, keeping staff employed, advertise and writing my own letters. I totally understand what problems business people face on a daily basis, because I’ve been there, doing it myself for years.

Ok, you may be wondering, how I got into all this then.

Well, let me tell you. Many years ago, I was looking for something else to do rather than commit my whole working life to the building trade - and writing sales copy was the thing that really got me interested. I knew that I already had a talent for writing, so I combined this skill with my own marketing knowledge and a desire for change. From that, a potential new business started developing for me. Thinking about this at the time, I quickly realised that most people need advice and outside assistance to help promote their business, either because they don’t have the flair to do it themselves, or they are just too busy with the general running of their company to commit any serious time to it. To be honest, I was hooked on this concept from the start, so I delved into a bit deeper and now… I’ve found my new vocation in life.

It’s a really specialist subject this. I’ve read books, studied courses on writing great sales copy, I wrote an advertising book for small businesses, signed up for some more courses with some of the top copywriters around, before finally enrolling on an intensive mentoring course with the best creative, marketing mind I’ve come across so far. He’s taken my knowledge and training to another level. This whole learning curve has taken me about eight years of commitment and study in total, so I know quite a lot about these subjects.

That’s eight years of studying, writing, practicing, compiling sales letters & adverts and setting up websites. So now this brings me to the next part. Alan has kindly allowed me to be included on his list and I’d like to make you an exclusive offer.

“Ok, so this is how I can help you.”

I’ll work with you to uncover the hidden potential in your business.

I’ll research your product or service, your customers and the marketplace.

And, best of all… For the next three months, I have the assistance of Alan Forrest Smith, who will be overlooking everything I do to ensure that I produce for you, the highest quality sales letters and adverts.

What it will mean to you is this… You will get services worth £25,000 from a marketing genius, but for a fraction of the price, because I’m the one who will actually be doing the work for you.

Even better still, I’m going to discount my normal set rate of £2,400 for a one off bargain price of just £1,600 for this introductory offer. I will give your project the attention it deserves, leaving nothing to chance and everything will be run past the critical eye of Alan until we’re all happy with it.

Right then, this is what I’m looking for. I want just one or two clients maximum to work with, for that special introductory offer for the next three months period just to get me started. In return, I would like a testimonial from you to use on my website. This is a great offer for anyone looking to use a sales copywriter right now.

So if you’re thinking of updating and refreshing your adverts and sales letters, it’s an ideal opportunity. If you’re interested in this offer, please take a look at the website below and give me the chance to help YOU to generate some more profits in your business. I look forward to working with you.

Stuart Price MENTOR does change lives and can change your life. I’ve been doing this since 2005 and frankly seen some incredible results from my guys that have resulted in wealth, change and just about every other desire for my students.

Let me leave you with this thought. Will 2015 just be a repeat of the same old thing that you have always done or will it be your year of change?

You really want change – MENTOR can be the change for you.


Alan Forrest Smith,

You can also contact me via Facebook and Instagram or visit contact page on this website.